Green product line for the control of indoor air quality
Today, the control of the air quality inside buildings, of the environments where we live, is fundamental for our health. Indoor pollution in buildings, given by products and materials used indoors, produces emissions. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens, heating and normal cleaning products can all be sources of pollution. This has a wide range of Green products for indoor Air Quality control for cleaning the environments in which we live professional hard floor cleaning services in Long Island.
Poor air quality can lead to various respiratory diseases: irritation of the digestive system, bronchi, skin and eyes, asthma and various allergies.
Environmentally friendly cleaning products for a sustainable future
We use environmentally friendly products for cleaning, formulated to ensure efficacy and safety for humans and the environment.
The cleaning products we select have the following characteristics:
– quality certifications for the use of natural raw materials and 100% vegetable origin;
– a highly energy-saving production process with an ethical and sustainable production cycle;
– totally recyclable packaging;
– the products respect river and marine ecosystems.
General cleaning, disinfection, sanitation. What are?
Cleaning activity
Activities that concern the complex of techniques and operations intended for at eliminating dust, unwanted element or dirt from grounds, objects, restricted areas and areas of pertinence.
Disinfection activities
Those concerning the complex of procedures and operations aimed at making certain confined environments and pertinent regions healthy by eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.
Sanitation activities
Complex of techniques and systems aimed at making specific environments strong by cleaning and disinfection or disinfestation actions or by the supervision and development of the microclimate circumstances with respect to climate, humidity with respects to lighting and sound.
There is a wide range of operational areas of our professional cleaning company, including:
flats, villas, condominiums
lodging capabilities such as motels, cafeterias, bars
bureaus, commercial actions, plants and industrial warehouses.
To receive more information, or a free quote without obligation, fill out the contact form: you will be contacted shortly by a representative, who will answer any questions you may have and will do everything possible to meet your needs.